Corporate Core
Our Corporate functions include a range of specialist roles that help us to be a well-managed council, support our colleagues on the front-line and deliver on our ambition for the city.
Audit and Risk
We provide independent, reliable, insightful and timely assurance to the whole business about effective governance, risk management and how we can control current and evolving risks.
We support, advise and challenge management in creating strategies, systems, policies and procedures to help make sure we use our resources in the best way and protect the Council from fraud and corruption.
Latest Audit and Risk Vacancies
Business Support and Administration
Based in different teams across the Council, we provide administrative and technical support to staff and managers, helping manage key business processes that keep the Council operating as efficiently as possible.
These varied roles give you useful transferable organisational skills for any future career at the Council. Exact duties vary depending on the team you work in, but generally include:
- Answering emails and scheduling meetings and events.
- Keeping records and reports up to date.
- Supervising other staff and delegating responsibilities.
- Taking meeting minutes and collating agendas.
Latest Business Support Vacancies
Human Resources, Organisation Development and Transformation
We focus on making the Council a great place to work.
HR support recruitment and development, making sure each of us feels confident and comfortable to bring our true self to work, talk openly, and make the most of our talents to grow and to succeed.
OD and Transformation improve processes, structure and culture with strong emphasis on organisational behaviour, human resource development and organisational change. We deliver thousands of days of learning and development, and run big change programmes and staff engagement events.
Our Talent and Diversity Team make sure the workforce reflects the city’s rich diversity at all levels.
Latest Human Resources, Organisation Development and Transformation Vacancies
All Locations
Town Hall Extension, Albert Square, Manchester, M60 2LA
All Locations is a required field
All Job Types
Administration, Apprenticeships and Graduates, Human Resources and Organisational Development
All Job Types is a required field
Advertising Salary
Grade 1 £23,656 per annum pro rata
Corporate Services
Advert Closing Date
12 Mar 2025
Working Patterns offered:
Flexible Working, Full-time
Working Patterns offered: is a required field
Civic and Democratic Services
We support the political side of the Council, running elections, supporting the Council’s decision-making processes, and helping plan and deliver civic events.
Civic and Ceremonial Services
Supporting the Lord Mayor during their term in office to be the representative face of Manchester, promoting the city locally, nationally and internationally.
Democratic Services
We monitor and support the Council’s decision-making process and the implementation and publication of decisions. We organise meetings of the Council, its Executive, and its various committees and panels. We’re also the principal point of contact and support for elected councillors.
Administering Manchester’s elections and referendums, we update, maintain and publish the electoral register. We also support Greater Manchester Combined Authority and other Greater Manchester councils to share good practice, build resilience and support Greater Manchester-level elections.
Latest Civic and Democratic Vacancies
Customer Services
We’re the first point of contact for anyone in Manchester using Council services. We get to know our residents: hear their stories, experiences and struggles. We’re there when people need us, whether it’s paying council tax, reporting an emergency, or getting support from social care experts.
Our staff take ownership and help residents have the best possible experience. We also work with teams across the Council to make sure that swift action is taken to get issues resolved.
Contact Manchester
We answer calls and respond to emails from residents on specific services: Revenues and Benefits, Neighbourhood Services and Adult and Children’s Social Care.
Customer Service Centre Reception
Our reception team meets and greets residents with pre-arranged face-to-face appointments.
Latest Customer Services Vacancies
All Locations
Alexandra House Hulme 133 Moss Lane East Manchester M15 5GX
All Locations is a required field
All Job Types
Customer Services
All Job Types is a required field
Advertising Salary
Grade 4 £25,584 - £27,269 (bar at £26,835) per annum pro rata
Corporate Services
Advert Closing Date
12 Mar 2025
Working Patterns offered:
Working Patterns offered: is a required field
Policy, Performance and Reform
Policy, Performance and Reform brings together key functions to connect strategic direction for the city with performance oversight, research and evaluation capacity, and evidence-based approaches to public-service reform. This approach of investing in internal skills and talent has enabled strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders, and provided the organisation with the resilience and flexibility to corporately support a diverse and changing set of key priorities.
City Policy
We specialise in strategic thinking, productive partnerships, programme and project delivery, securing external funding, and taking a people-centred approach.
Performance, Research and Intelligence (PRI)
We offer the whole Council and key strategic partners this service to ensure that decision-makers have the evidence and intelligence they need to shape strategic and operational thinking, and to demonstrate the impact those choices have on our priorities. The three teams work across a range of thematic and technical projects. Core activities and skills within PRI support all areas of the Council’s Corporate Plan.
Reform and Innovation (R&I)
We support and challenge internal services and partners by driving change and leading on public-service reform for the Council and the city. We work effectively, in partnership, through all work programmes.
Latest Policy, Performance and Reform Vacancies
Strategic Communications
We promote the city and the Council, supporting and enhancing reputation, and building trust and confidence to strengthen relationships with residents, stakeholders and staff.
Content and Strategy plans and develops the strategy for communications activity, drawing out key messages and shaping tactics to get the messages to the relevant audiences using strategic marketing, proactive press engagement, creative design for campaigns, effective web services and strong internal communications. We also provide professional executive support for the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team and support leadership and delivery of successful events and programmes.
Operations and Commercial handles print, mail and distribution, supports residents with interpretations and translations and supports events with technical delivery.
Latest Strategic Communications Vacancies
Corporate Estates and Facilities
We manage and maintain Council buildings and land, making the most of Council assets. We work both inside and outside on tasks ranging from repairing council-owned and partner-owned buildings to office cleaning and maintenance. Our work helps reduce carbon emissions, supports new ways of working, strengthens community activity, and keeps our property accessible and our people safe.
Latest Corporate Estate and Facilities Vacancies
Procurement and Integrated Commissioning
We manage one of the country’s most diverse local government procurement portfolios, from new services supporting health and social care integration, and landmark construction projects, to shaping the city’s leading approaches to social value and tackling climate change.
Our Procurement team is recognised as leading-edge in, for example, ethical procurement, securing social value and supporting zero-carbon.
Our Energy Management Unit is a specialist service procuring energy and water, and managing energy systems for Manchester City Council, Bolton Council and schools in both areas.
Commissioning and Contract Management supports services to design and manage commissioned contracts.
Latest Procurement and Integrated Commissioning Vacancies
Capital Programmes
We oversee delivery of the Council’s multi-million-a-year capital investment, directly handling many projects in-house. We oversee management of construction and professional service frameworks for internal and external clients from across northwest England, as well as large scale refurbishment including heritage buildings.
Latest Capital Programmes Vacancies
Our financial expertise supports the whole organisation to drive high business impact. We support the Council’s financial planning, provide financial advice to service managers, and help the Council operate efficiently and sustainably for our residents and community.
Latest Finance Vacancies
We are responsible for the day-to-day operational management and maintenance for all ICT systems in Manchester City Council as well as supporting business digital objectives and transformational initiatives.
Our ICT and Digital strategy sets out our vision for Manchester City Council:
- To be a digital-first and cloud-first organisation.
- Realign the ICT and Digital Service into a more strategic and influencing function.
- Deliver secure, stable, and compliant operational services.
- Innovate and influence new ways of working through modern technology.
- Establish a customer focused ICT & Digital service with a seamless technology offer.
Latest ICT Vacancies
All Locations
Town Hall Extension, Albert Square, Manchester, M60 2LA
All Locations is a required field
All Job Types
Information Technology
All Job Types is a required field
Advertising Salary
Grade 9 £45,718 - £49,764 (bar at £48,710 per annum pro rata)
Corporate Services
Advert Closing Date
12 Mar 2025
Working Patterns offered:
Flexible Working, Full-time
Working Patterns offered: is a required field
Revenues, Benefits and Parking
We collect money due to the Council and help families and individuals with targeted financial support.
Benefits Team
We provide financial support to people who are unemployed or on a low income. We assess claims for benefits and a range of other financial support schemes and advise residents on claiming universal credit.
We’re responsible for the accurate billing and collection of business rates and council tax. We identify properties, keep track of people and businesses moving in and out of properties and apply discounts, exemptions and reliefs.
We keep the city’s roads safe and moving, and collect money owed to the Council in a fair and ethical way. We make sure that parking tickets are enforced, assess applications for parking permits, dispensions and suspensions, and investigate blue badge misuse and fraud.
Latest Revenues, Benefits and Parking Vacancies
Commercial Governance
We support a wide range of companies, charities and joint ventures that the Council has a key stake in. We make sure there’s strong, effective governance, either through company secretary support or in an advisory capacity. We also oversee loan and equity investments across different services, ensuring that benefits created are effectively monitored.
We annually review our register of significant partnerships the Council is in, to assess whether they are performing well, delivering value for money and realising the benefits and outcomes they’re meant to achieve.
Latest Commercial Governance Vacancies
We provide high-quality legal services to all Council departments. We recruit legal staff to four groups:
Children and Families
Supports safeguarding, and advises on adoption and child protection, ensuring the best possible outcomes for the children and young people of Manchester.
Governance group
Advises on information governance, provides legal support to the Council's decision making and democratic processes, and advises on the constitution.
People, Place and Regulation
Legal services to the community and place-based services including adult social care, community safety, crime and disorder, education, housing, homelessness, and all matters relating to the Council's workforce.
Legal support for the Council's objectives for economic regeneration across the city, combining all the legal work dealing with property, planning, highways, and commercial projects.
Latest Legal Services Vacancies
All Locations
Town Hall Extension, Albert Square, Manchester, M60 2LA
All Locations is a required field
All Job Types
All Job Types is a required field
Advertising Salary
Grade 11 £54,205 - £57,863 (Bar at £56,684) per annum pro rata
Corporate Services
Advert Closing Date
02 Apr 2025
Working Patterns offered:
Flexible Working, Full-time
Working Patterns offered: is a required field
All Locations
Town Hall Extension, Albert Square, Manchester, M60 2LA
All Locations is a required field
All Job Types
All Job Types is a required field
Advertising Salary
Grade 10 £50,788 - £52,805 (Bar at £51,802) per annum pro rota
Corporate Services
Advert Closing Date
02 Apr 2025
Working Patterns offered:
Flexible Working, Full-time
Working Patterns offered: is a required field
All Locations
Town Hall Extension, Albert Square, Manchester, M60 2LA
All Locations is a required field
All Job Types
All Job Types is a required field
Advertising Salary
Grade 11 £54,205 - £57,863 (Bar at £56,684) per annum pro rata
Corporate Services
Advert Closing Date
02 Apr 2025
Working Patterns offered:
Flexible Working, Full-time
Working Patterns offered: is a required field
All Locations
Town Hall Extension, Albert Square, Manchester, M60 2LA
All Locations is a required field
All Job Types
All Job Types is a required field
Advertising Salary
Grade 10 £50,788 - £52,805 (Bar at £51,802) per annum pro rota
Corporate Services
Advert Closing Date
02 Apr 2025
Working Patterns offered:
Flexible Working, Full-time
Working Patterns offered: is a required field
All Locations
Town Hall Extension, Albert Square, Manchester, M60 2LA
All Locations is a required field
All Job Types
All Job Types is a required field
Advertising Salary
Grade 6 £32,115 - £35,235 (bar at £34,314) per annum pro rata
Corporate Services
Advert Closing Date
02 Apr 2025
Working Patterns offered:
Flexible Working, Full-time
Working Patterns offered: is a required field